“We are thrilled to partner to offer ninety children this unique opportunity,” said Sevier County School Superintendent, Jack Parton. “The Arrowmont School is the perfect backdrop to educate our children about the area’s rich traditions.”
The week-long program offers an intensive study on traditional Appalachian Arts and Crafts, emphasizing basketry, woodturning and weaving. Students will also be exposed to spinning, dyeing, weaving, broom making, coopering, in addition to presentations on Appalachian history and folklore.
Transportation is being provided to and from the students’ respective schools each day, with the exception of Thursday, when students are invited to spend the night on the Arrowmont campus for a celebration of their experience. Parents and community supporters are encouraged to attend on Thursday night, for an open house that will run from 7:00-9:30p.m.
You should only give your account information for transactions if you know the company or individual you are dealing with. Be especially careful if you are operating the transaction via phone, text or online. Don’t give anyone your PIN, avoid ATMs that look out of place and only access your account from secure URLs and WiFi connections.
It may seem obvious, but one way to ensure your security is to come up with a password other people can’t guess. It’s generally not a good idea to make your password something as obvious as your birthday or your significant other’s name. Try to create a series of numbers, letters and symbols you can remember but others wouldn’t necessarily think of. Be sure you also cover the keypad when you type in your PIN or password and change them regularly. Lastly, set up security questions only you know the answers to for prompting you to change the password or to access the account.
]]>Not using your credit card has some obvious benefits, the main one being that you won’t have a balance on your card. You may also reduce spending on one card so you can spend more on another card that has better rewards or a lower APR. Whatever your reason for not using your card, it’s important to understand what inactivity does to your account.
]]>Consider discussing the risks of sharing personal information online, including the possibility that someone can gather small amounts of personal information to guess the correct answers to security questions, reset passwords and take control of financial accounts.
“Encourage your young person to be selective with his or her ‘friends’ online, just as he or she would in real life,” said Bobbie Gray, an FDIC supervisory community affairs specialist. “Discuss how not everything they see on the Internet is true, and that some criminals may pretend to be friends or relatives in order to obtain personal information or worse.”
“Explain that advertising, even in an online video clip, is intended to get people to make purchases or otherwise act on things they might not usually do,” said Luke W. Reynolds, chief of the FDIC’s Outreach and Program Development Section. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has an online game called Admongo to help youngsters age 8-12 think critically about advertising and make smarter decisions as consumers.
]]>Here are five tried-and-true strategies from Sabatier and other super-savers who have all, at one point, set aside at least half of their income to reach their financial goals.
Putting your financial plan on autopilot means setting up your savings accounts, retirement funds and debt-repayment plans to automatically draw money from your paycheck or checking account each month so that you never have to make the choice to spend or save those dollars.
It will not only help you build wealth, but it’ll save you time and mental energy, says Reining: “I automated my money years ago and the benefit is, I don’t have to make decisions about where my money should go, how much I should invest, what I can spend, do I have enough savings and so on.”
Our digital solutions and experienced advisors can help you meet all your financial goals. Your advisor can create a personalized strategy around your full financial picture, focusing on the things that matter most to you. If you’re concerned about the impact of taxes on your investments, we apply a range of tax-smart techniques throughout the year designed to help you keep more of what you’ve earned.